How’s your experience with

Yes, the site is easy to use. Easy to find what I am looking for; with all the info I need in plain site. Lot of photos to help me decide on my next decide on my next doll. Great friendly communication system for taking care of order problems or anything and fast response. Give … Product Review

Yes, I’m absolutely delighted with this product – it’s much better than any other I’ve ever tried! I was impressed by the curves of the doll, which were soft and realistic. I could really feel the presence of a real-life woman due to the attention to detail in her features. I had a great time …

Is recommended?

Yes, I recommend this site. This site has a good variety of sex dolls. It stands apart from many other sex doll sites with giving the customer the option to customize the sex dolls with pre-optioned sizes or completely from scratch. But if you start from scratch, it will be a lot more expensive to …